Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rugby is Better than Sex :: Personal Narrative Sports Athletics Papers

Rugby is Better than Sex An imitation of â€Å"Surfing is better than sex† I USED TO LOOK AT THE SENIOR BOYS PLAYING ‘THAT ROUGH’ GAME rugby and just wonder at the courage that they possessed. Never in my mind did I see myself as a rugby player. It is true I was bigger than many of the people on the team but that did not mean I had half the courage. That was way back in my first years at Budo high school. Then one day, a rugger by the name of Yustus reached out to me. â€Å"KESA†, he called out my nickname. â€Å"You should try out rugby with us one of these days†, he added. Rugby is a very small club sport at Lafayette and has a lot of challenges. During orientation, I accidentally met up with a team member called Mike who told me about Lafayette rugby. He told me that the team did not have a coach and â€Å"we are trying to get in as many freshmen as possible†. I replied that I had a lot of experience, having played rugby for about 5 years, and I would love to join. When we had our first rugby meet, it was on a small quad in front of one of the nine fraternities. This quad was the antithesis of the real big fields I was used to; one could hardly run a forty-yard dash on it. Well, after a couple of weeks playing on the quad, we were able to head out to Metzgar fields. These are a set of fields for lacrosse, soccer, baseball, and football practice and there is also provision for rugby. In the middle of all other sports grounds, our rugby team found a somewhat full size field. The first engagement we had for the season was a home match against Lehigh University and this was one of best games for the entire season. We went into this game as the underdogs, but that did not inhibit my team from maneuvering well. We were not expected to win, so all we did is have fun giving Lehigh a decent challenge. On many occasions, I would run with the ball and stop just a couple of yards away from the goal line. My teammates were always there to support me whenever I went with the ball. I remember one time when a Lehigh player broke through the scrum and was heading towards our goal.

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