Sunday, December 22, 2019

Gandhi Explanations of Nature and Nurture Essay - 786 Words

Nature vs. Nurture The relative contributions of nature and nurture are an apparent part of human development which makes us ask the question, are heredity and environment opposing forces?(Sternberg 100) The question of nature vs. nurture can be examined and can be attempted to be comprehended in many ways. Our stand on which theory is the correct one is obviously a matter of opinion and makes us wonder if only one of them is truly correct. Nurture seems to be the explanation that holds the most tangible evidence to support it as existing in our everyday life. In psychological attempts to conduct experiments of genetic influences on personality and behavior in the environment psychologists have come to the conclusion that the best way is†¦show more content†¦Nurture argues that who we become depends solely on the environment in which we developed in and also posses the idea that we are not born with any inherited traits that make us who we are today. Nurture is proved simply through the personality differences between my sister and I. I contain an extremely social personality; a people person if you will, while my sister does not inhabit a very social lifestyle at all. I value the strong significance of friendships that I have built in my life while the most valued aspect of her life holds her love for working with children. We have both internalized the lessons and virtues we were raised to make our own, yet, grew up to become completely different beings. Nurture was what we were a result of. The early psychologist Erik Erikson attempted to develop a theory about personality development called psycho social theory of personality development. Obviously, Erikson is in favor of the nurture view he defined his theory as quot;how social factors interact with personality throughout the entire life spanquot; (Sternberg 363). Personality development continues throughout the life span as a result of every new experience within that environment. How could this statement be a false if people make so many transformations throughout the stages of life as individuals? This is all a result living and learning through the interactions within your environment and constantly adding input upon input to continually shape yourself. Through aShow MoreRelatedWithout Connection to Others There Is No Me1863 Words   |  8 PagesWhat am I? And where do I belong?†It is of grave importance that we understand we are simply mere shadows of everybody who is around us. Furthermore our development as an individual is strongly influenced by both nurture and nature. As Indian leader and renowned philosopher, Mahatma Gandhi, once claimed that â€Å"the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.† Ultimately we need others to help us to explore the limits and potential of what it is to be human. 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